Privacy Policy

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Seattle Children’s Hospital (“SCH”) respects the privacy of users of Pedia. This User Privacy Policy explains what information is collected about you, how that information may be used, with whom it may be shared, and your choices about such uses and sharing.

This User Privacy Policy applies to your use of Pedia, a content distribution web site and mobile software application sponsored by SCH and based upon the Quris application developed by Tactuum, Inc. (collectively, the “Service”). This Service provides pediatric care-focused information and other healthcare-related information primarily intended for use by SCH staff, faculty and other authorized users.

The Service is not currently developed to acquire, use, or display any Protected Health Information (“PHI”).

This User Privacy Policy explains what information about you is collected by Pedia, how that information may be used, with whom it may be shared, and your choices about such uses and sharing.

As this Service is based upon the Quris platform, your use is also governed by the separate Quris privacy policy which may be accessed at In addition, the Service may collect usage data through the Google Analytics service and you should also review the Google privacy policy at

What Information does Pedia Collect?

Personally Identifiable Information

User Information. When you download and use the Pedia app, you may be required to provide certain personally identifiable information (“PII”) such as your SCH User ID to participate in password-protected areas or download and use information. PII is not collected about you when you access the Service unless you provide that information. Please note that once you provide this information, it may be stored and reused to access the Services in future sessions.

Automatically Collected or Non-Personal Information

This information does not identify you personally but may be collected and used to monitor or improve the Services and may be associated with your PII. Please also see the Quris privacy policy noted above for further details regarding Tactuum’s handling of this information.

Use Data. Your use information and patterns, including which modules and resource links you access, the time of day you access it, search terms and results, and the duration of your use are collected and shared with SCH, via a third party, to help SCH better understand your experience using Pedia and how Pedia can be improved.

Cookies and Applets. The Pedia app may use cookies, which are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device and used to maintain login preferences of the browser session. Applets are small programs that relate certain cookie and usage information back to our third part provider.

Device Information. Pedia may collect the following information about your device in order to monitor or improve the services and underlying Quris platform – type of device, device ID, device IP address, internet browser used or operating system.

How is Information Collected by Pedia Used?

SCH will have access to data collected by Pedia to help SCH better understand your experience using Pedia and how Pedia can be improved. Tactuum also has access to use data as described in their separate Quris privacy policy.

With Whom is Information Collected by Pedia Shared?

SCH wants you to understand when and with whom it may share your information collected by Pedia. SCH will not sell or rent information collected by Pedia to others. SCH does not share information collected by Pedia with others except as indicated below.

Service Providers. Third-party service providers who perform services on behalf of SCH may access use data from Pedia to allow better service to you and other users. Tactuum, Inc. is the primary service provider that may have access to data from Pedia as provider of the underlying platform.

Other Situations. SCH may share your information in response to a subpoena or similar investigative demand, a court order, or a request for cooperation from law enforcement or any government agency; to establish or exercise its legal rights, including, but not limited to, efforts to investigate, prevent, or take other action regarding illegal activity, suspected fraud, or other wrongdoing; to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of SCH, its patients, employees, or others; to enforce the Pedia terms and conditions or other agreements and policies; or as otherwise required by law. In such cases, SCH may raise or waive any legal objection or right available to it.

How is Your User Information Collected by Pedia Protected?

SCH strives to protect any user information that it may collect. Please be aware that, although we endeavor to provide reasonable security for information we process and maintain, no security system can prevent all potential security breaches.

What Choices Do You Have About Collection and Use of Information by Pedia?

If you install and use Pedia information will be collected as described above. You can stop all collection of information by Pedia easily by discontinuing use of Pedia or uninstalling Pedia. You may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.

Is your Information Collected by Third-Party Websites?

When using Pedia you may be directed to links to other resources contained on websites of third parties. SCH is not responsible for the privacy practices of these organizations. Please familiarize yourself with the privacy policies of any website you visit to determine what information is being collected.

Changes to this Pedia User Privacy Policy

SCH may change this Pedia User Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes to Pedia User Privacy Policy by posting the new Pedia User Privacy Policy here. The most recent revision date is listed below and the posted version of this Pedia User Privacy Policy will apply to your use of Pedia. You are advised to consult this Pedia User Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.


By downloading and using Pedia, you are consenting to our collecting, storing, deleting, using, combining and disclosing your information as set forth in this Pedia User Privacy Policy now and as amended by us.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding privacy while using Pedia, or have questions about our practices, please contact us at

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 14 May 2020